Quale approccio metodologico al plurilinguismo e al pluriculturalismo?

Marina Artese


Second language didactics is important in terms of education towards positive social interaction: second language education can improve both power and solidarity relationships and can serve as an educational tool in intercultural comprehension and social life (Council of Europe 2006).
In language/culture didactics theory, the notion of linguistic input - a positivist/structuralistic framework - excluded the subject; in the communicative approach, the learner’s centrality has assigned importance only to one of the subjects involved in the didactic event. I shall try to demonstrate that centrality should be assigned to interaction. In assigning centrality to interaction,
subjects (teacher/class/learner as well as institution, which directly or indirectly have a role in the interaction), their relation, context, situation, aim, content and modality of their communication will acquire relevance.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13138/2037-7037/1000


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